Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat 2011

We had a fantastic time with our friends for our 3rd annual Trick or Treat-fest! This year, our friends the Smiths hosted since we've been a little busy with the new baby, company, etc... But, we were still in the same neighborhood, but just on the other side of the street. As always, it was SO FUN...and the kids got lots and lots of candy. (Side note: not sure it's good that both boys are in school today, and that candy is sitting unattended...)

William and Gracie were so excited to be matching skelatons! 
All the trick or treat kiddos!
The kids literally SPRINTED from house to house for nearly a solid hour. No time to waste!

Digging into the loot
In case you're wondering, YES, that is a sweaty head. The kid wore his batman cape the whole time he was running to get candy. His head was totally drenched at the end of the evening.

Crew had a fabulous time at home with Mimi while his brothers were wreaking havoc in the neighborhood
It was another successful year of trick or treating! Here's hoping Hudson picks a different costume for next year since this is year #2 for being Batman! The good news: I didn't spend a penny on costumes this year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's my daughter's pelvis?
So much fun! I couldn't imagine it any other way!