Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Storytime with Uncle Trent

One of the nice things about having my brother and sister in law stay with us while they were here, was that it made the usual morning hectic-ness a little bit more sane. I managed to not have to drag all 3 kids to school every day, which was super nice. Either Paige would do school drop offs and I would stay with the non-school kid(s) or vise versa. When William had his choice, he 100% of the time chose Aunt Paige. Go figure...
One morning while Paige was taking William to school, Hudson and Crew took advantage of having Uncle Trent at their disposal:
clearly, Crew is uninterested in the Clown of God, but thoroughly enjoying the cuddle time
What precious memories!

1 comment:

Tasha said...

Very precious memories! Sweet picture.