Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 20: generosity

Last year on Christmas Eve, we took gifts and Olive Garden down to a youth homeless shelter in Fort Worth. We also took homemade sugar cookies and all the decorating supplies you could imagine. The kids down there loved it. One of the girls commented that it was one of her best Christmases ever. It was a true blessing to us as well. And I think it was a big eye opening experience for my boys to see how truly blessed they are.
We are doing it again this year, but we're upping the ante, so to speak. We are taking Olive Garden again this year, since it went over SO well last year. Friends from church have donated some AWESOME gifts this year as well as $$ to help towards gifts and dinner, so I think the kids down there will be so excited.
(sorry for the poor iPhone pic, but you get the idea...):

I was so excited by the generosity of my friends, especially during this busy, expensive time of year. Looking forward to an evening with these precious kids!

December Photo Project 2012 

1 comment:

Melissa Batusic said...

I hope you all have a blessed time!!