Saturday, August 11, 2012


he's ready to get out of his crib! ha!!
As usual with a 10 month old, we are busy busy busy...trying to keep him from killing himself.

Crew took a step a few days ago, but he's yet to repeat it. He'll stand there for about 10 seconds, look like he's about to walk, and then squat down to his comfy little crawling. I thought for sure he'd be walking by now since he was standing on his own and cruising around furniture at 9 months. We'll see!

He has 4 teeth now. I was a little sad with the addition of the top 2 teeth because now when he smiles, I don't get to see that big toothless mouth. He looks like a kid now. :-(

He's beens saying "dada" for awhile now, and finally he's added "mama" to his vocabulary. William and Hudson are his cheerleaders. It's so sweet because they know how much I want Crew to say "mama", so they're always trying to get him to say it. He just laughs and laughs at them when they're making fools of themselves.

He still has a very happy, content disposition. He is into EVERYTHING though. Dave thinks he is more than the other 2 were at this age. I think it's just because we haven't "baby-proofed" as much as we did with the other. Since William wasn't even 2 when Hudson was born, we never really left the baby-proofing stage. Since Hudson was nearly 4 when Crew was born, we pretty much could live "normally"... So, that's presenting it's challenges, but William and Hudson are good security guards!!

William, at 10 months:

Hudson, at 10 months:

I still think Crew favors William, but I think as he's getting older, I can see Hudson in him as well.

1 comment:

Melissa Batusic said...

Cute cute cute! I think he favors William to, but the little man has a look of his own :) I can't beleive all three of mine didn't walk till 15 months!!!