Monday, February 6, 2012

4 months old!

What a little joy this 4 month old is!
- At his dr appointment today he weighed 14lb10oz (50%), and is 25 inches long (50%). His head circumference is 16 inches (50%). 
- He's not rolling over yet, but he's about to. When he's playing on the floor, he will roll all the way over onto his side and stretch his little head around him. It's only a matter of time before he figures it all out.
- He LOVES to be naked. He could be really irritable, and then I put him on the changing table to change his diaper, and he's immediately all smiles.
- He is very ticklish (but really, what baby isn't, right?).
- He takes 3 naps a day. His morning and afternoon naps are usually around 2.5-3 hours, and his evening nap is about 1 hour.
- He sleeps roughly 11-13 hours at night. All 3 boys now to go bed at the same time: 7:30/8pm, which makes the evening time with Dave so much more relaxing.
- He discovered his hands awhile ago, but he has now figured out that it's super fun to put them in his mouth and get them all nice and slobbery. 
- He continues to be a very good baby. Evenings are usually a little fussier than the rest of the day, but he is still a very good natured little guy.


Molly said...

He's so cute! And nearly exactly the same size as Audrey who is two months older! Big guy!! :)

Anonymous said...

He's so photogenic- just like the rest of you!!! What a cutie. But then, I'm prejudiced.

Tasha said...

He is getting so big!!! Can't believe he is 4 months! What a doll!