Friday, December 30, 2011


If you've read my blog for any length of time, you know that I am not a fan of cold weather. I'd be perfectly happy if I never had to wear covered shoes or a coat again. Sure, there's something cozy about a cold day and a fire...and I do love snow skiing. But, generally speaking, I just don't like the cold, especially now that I have kids. It's just a pain in the rear to get socks, shoes, jackets, hats, etc all on the kids and then load them up for wherever we're going. I love summer-- throw in the flip flops and out the door we go.

It doesn't get super cold down here, although we do have some ice/snow every year. It's been fairly cold lately-- mid-40s. But yesterday and today (and supposedly tomorrow), it's been GORGEOUS! Yesterday the boys spent nearly all afternoon outside, William on his skates and Hudson with his scooter and playing sports.
Hanging out ON the Christmas tree....

Grandpa had to try out the scooter

I went for a run this morning, and it was such a perfect day for a run. And now the boys have been outside playing in the sandbox

THIS is why I love living in Texas. Dave and his dad picked a perfect day for golf. And it's a good thing I got a pedicure yesterday...the flip flops are coming out!


Molly said...

I have no words. But I'm so happy you are happy.

Tasha said...

I do adore flip flops, but my allergies are not liking this Texas weather!!!
Happy you are enjoying it!