Tuesday, December 27, 2011

new stuff

The boys have been having a fantastic time with all their new things. Here are a few of their favorites:

Hudson is currently obsessed with Cars, so we got him a Cars 2 car launcher.
He's a big fan.

William BEGGED for roller skates, and he has since
been living in them. He's slowly getting a bit more stable...
But, it's provided me with hours of good laughs.

These are probably the biggest hit of the year: Rokenboks. I got them for William,
but really it's good for both of them (and us adults are also fighting for turns). If your
kids are into construction/remote controls/building, I highly recommend investing in these!
Not pictured, but getting lots of good play time: a totally awesome fold out wooden pirate ship, new MobiGo video games, Garnet Hill shark and rocket slippers, and a few DVDs.

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