Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ice Cream Truck

I'm not a big fan of the ice cream truck. 1)the truck creeps me out, 2)the man driving the truck usually creeps me out, and 3)it's gotten terribly expensive over the years. We've never bought anything from the truck when it's annoyingly driving through our neighborhood (and coincidentally, ALWAYS during naptime). But a few weeks ago, we were at the local Crawfish festival, and he was parked there. So, for a special treat for the kids, we let them each get an ice cream. They both picked Rocket Pops (because they both want to be astronauts when they get "big like daddy")

So, I guess the ice cream man isn't all that bad (see, he's making sure the boys don't fall out of the truck!). Maybe I'll let them get the occasional ice cream this summer when the truck comes strolling down our street.


Molly said...

Not that I would buy anything from it when it goes down our street either, but even if I wanted to, it FLIES down the street. By the time I hear it, if I actually did want something, I'd have to get in my car and go tearing down the street after it!!

Cute pic! :)

Scott and Ashley said...

So funny! I love the pic!

Tasha said...

We have one that comes by....it creeps me out! It has this voice that comes over a speaker that says, Hello. If he sees the boys in their fort I can hear that voice telling them Hello. I'll have to do it for you. It is so strange.
You are a good Momma!