Monday, April 25, 2011

An Evening with Friends

On Saturday night, we went to Ancient Ovens. If you read my birthday post back in October, you'll remember that Dave took me here for my birthday dinner. It was so wonderful and fun that we had to go back, but take friends this time. The unfortunate part of the evening was that it POURED and HAILED for most of the evening, so the dinner was held inside. In fact, about 20 miles east there were tornado warnings, and the sirens were blowing when we went by!

 One of the main draws of this place (besides the super yummy food) is the atmosphere of being outside, etc... But, we made the most of it, and we still had a wonderful time chatting (with NO kids!!), eating, and drinking (well, not a lot of drinking for me...)

We plan to go back in the summer when there's less chance of rain! Although, then I guess we'll be fighting mosquitos and sweating to death...

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