Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 18: Together again

William and Hudson haven't seen their cousins, Emery and Keira, since July 25. Remember this post? That is by far the longest they have gone without seeing each other. Granted, they do the weekly or bi-weekly skype sessions, so at least they get to occasionally see each other on the computer.

Both of them, but particularly William, have been counting the days for at least a month. They arrived on Friday, and as you can see from the above pics, we met them at the International Arrivals at the airport. As soon as William spotted Keira he went for a mad sprint, shouting "KEIRA!!!!!!" and plowed into her with the biggest hug ever. It was so sweet to see them so excited to see each other.

The bad news is that both girls have been sick since Saturday morning, so the boys are having to learn a serious patience being around the sickies until they're fever free!! 

December Photo Project