Sunday, July 25, 2010

Crazy life

I know what you are all thinking: Where is Meagan? Right? I know, I've been MIA. I was telling someone the other day that the past 6 weeks have been some of the busiest that I can remember. I will give you a quick run-down:
June 10-13: camping trip with friends up in Oklahoma
June 16: Ashley and Keaton arrive from Hawaii
June 17: drive A&K to Ardmore to meet her mom
June 19: Dave's parents arrive from GA
June 20-26: I go to Virginia for a business trip! (yes, I said business trip. It was my first in 5 years. yes, I work part time...from home...about 15 hours a week...accounting, if you must know)
June 27-July2: my cousins, Hannah and Haley, came for a visit (staying with my parents, but still...)
June 29: Eclipse Midnight showing! YEs, that is a major event in my life.
June 30: buy the minivan
June 28-July 5: Dave's sister, Ami, here for a visit. Granted, she stayed with her husband, so it didn't cause any stress
July 5-8: Ashley and Keaton and Cathy (Ashley's mom) back for a visit!
July 10: baby shower for a church friend
July 12-16: VBS at our church (thankfully, I did NOT volunteer, which turned out to be a good thing since life is so crazy)
July 15: Going away party for my sister: ladies only
July 18-21: visit to Oklahoma with my mom, dad, cousin, Tasha/girls
July 23: church going away party for my sister and her family
July 25: (TODAY): my sister moves to London, England.

As you can see, it's been crazy. The stuff that isn't on the list are things like play dates, pottery class, swimming lessons, pool time, trying to spend as much time as possible with my sister and nieces, cooking dinner, WORKING, spending time with my own husband/children. Needless to say, it's been wild. I feel like I've barely had time to breathe.

Today has been very emotional, to say the least. I feel like my right arm has been chopped off. My sister has been such a huge part of my life (obviously) these past 4 years since we've lived less than 2 miles apart. I'm sure I've depended on her in ways that I don't even know. After we said goodbye to them this afternoon, on our way home, William said to me "Mommy, I can't figure out how to keep Keira from going to London." I couldn't stop it. There was nothing I could do. I hate to see my kids sad, and it's even worse because I am just as sad.

Thankfully, we have a lot going on this week (surprise, I know). I have work, William has pottery class, we have a playdate tomorrow, dinner with friends on Thursday, dinner with friends on Saturday... Nothing will replace my sister, but it's a nice distraction and it's always fun to have activities to look forward to. I am also SO thankful for such a great church, and all of my wonderful friends there to support us during this hard transition time.

I'll leave you with a picture of a few of us friends at the going away party. Gotta love all the black...


Tasha said...

Oh my gosh I was not expecting that last bit and you made me cry. :(
I am not your Tasha, but will gladly "try" to keep you distracted.
((HUGS)) to you friend.
BTW-cute picture!

Melissa Batusic said...

Meg, I'm so sad for you! I hope that the transition goes ok for you. Wish I lived by you :)

Laura SanchezQuan said...

boo! the UK SUCKS! just kidding (kind of) but seriously, im sorry your sad, I know how this goes.

Katie Henry said...

Hey Megan! I am so sad that your sister moved!!! May I ask why she moved there?

Endri Dennison said...

I know how you feel. My sister, who's my best friend, lives just South of London (and she just got engaged too). I always miss her, but we talk on the phone or webcam every week.