I don't let the kids play with play-doh very often...mainly because it makes a HUGE mess. I'm pretty good about letting them mix up the colors and do what they please with the play doh. So, on the occasion that I do let them play with it, I let them go crazy. No holds bar. Yes, every now and again I can be a fun mom.

I don't think I'm going to be a fun mom. I hate Playdoh.
OH! MY! GOSH!!!! I was hyperventilating just looking at your picture! I also HATE Playdoh and ballons and chalk! I am saw proud of you for letting go. What a FUN Mom!
Way to go, Meg!!!
I've been letting the kids pull out the play-doh whenever they ask recently because Madeline's been cleaning it up all by herself! Wonders, they never cease. ha
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