Sunday, August 8, 2010 isn't always exciting.

One of the reasons I write my blog is to keep our family and friends who live far away up-to-date on the daily happenings of our lives, particularly the lives of our kiddos.

Some days are super fun. We do something exciting. We go somewhere cool. Some days, on the other hand, are just downright boring. That's life. I can't always make our days "duper-duper" cool (that's Hudson lingo for "super duper"). But, for the people that love me and my kids-- they still want to read about it. They care about the fact that we just bought our first minivan, seeing pics of the kids at the pool, pics from the past, trips we/I go on, visits from friends and/or family, cute pics of my kids, or just a random story from the day. That's our life.  I wouldn't change it for anything.

If you read my blog, and you don't like what you read, there's an easy solution: stop reading it. I'd rather only people who care about me and my family read this blog. I know this is harsh, and I'm sorry about that, but that's just reality.

Now, to lighten things up, here's a cute pics of the boys from tonight:


Tasha said...

Sweetheart, I couldn't have said it better myself! And BTW your life is very much like mine. I LOVE your blog too! You keep writing and I will keep reading!

Katie Henry said...

I love reading and looking at your blog! hope all is well Megan! you are such a great mommy!

Laura SanchezQuan said...

haha what a sweet picture of them so cute

Anonymous said...

ummm. Are they eating my ice cream?? I may not always comment but I'm always reading!

Ashley said...

Your blog is awesome, and don't ever let any mean people tell you otherwise. I mean, not everyone can have an exciting life like me... :-) (as I sit here thinking about a blog on grocery shopping) :-)