Friday, July 30, 2010

Takin' it Easy

One of the nice things about my boys this summer is that William can swim by himself now. It's so nice that I don't have to juggle both boys when I'm at the pool with them by myself.  Hudson can even swim about 10 feet or so, but he hasn't figured out the whole life-your-head-up-and-take-a-breath thing yet. So, after about 5-7 seconds I have to rescue him so that he doesn't start inhaling water.

Our pool complex is pretty awesome, which is actually one of the reasons we picked this neighborhood. We have 2 nice slides, but a couple of the rules are 1)no goggles allowed and 2)you have to be able to swim from the slide to the steps by yourself unassisted or else you have to ride with an adult. #2 wouldn't have been a problem for the past year if #1 wasn't there. William has depended SO much on his goggles that he hasn't been able to go on the slides by himself. All summer he has refused to try it...until now! On Tuesday somehow Dave convinced him to give it a try (I was at home working, so I missed it.). He's unstoppable now! When we're at the pool, all he wants to do it go on the slide. It's great because when I have gone with just me and the boys, we haven't been able to do the slides because well, there's only 1 of me...and there's 2 of them. Now, that problem is solved!

1 comment:

Tasha said...

I know what you mean. It is much easier going to my sister's pool since the boys had swim lessons. I can actually lay out and relax.
The boys(your boys)are getting so big. I see them all the time, but in these pictures they look so big.