Monday, July 5, 2010

I've got Swagger

So, I'm sure most of you have seen this video: Swagger Wagon

We have become a Swagger family. Some of you may know that my sister and her family are re-locating to London for 2 years. They leave in 3 weeks, and I'm still in denial. Anyhoo, they've been purging/getting rid of everything they either a)don't need anymore or b)can't take with them to England. They bought a Sienna last summer, and so its practically brand new. We decided to take advantage of the "family discount" and bought it from them. Dave has been ready for baby #3 for quite some time. While I do want to have a 3rd, I'm not there yet. Maybe this will get me ready?

We are loving it so far, and this video has actually made the jump a lot easier for Dave. Hudson keeps saying "let's go ride in the swagger wagon." Sure, why not?


Tasha said...

I have no clue what you are talking about. I will have to check it out now.
Just get ready for #3 already!!!

Anonymous said...

Meagan, you didn't put the link to the video.