Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chef William

William loves to help out in the kitchen: more specifically, he likes to help BAKE. It's probably because I let him lick the bowl when we're done. Well, the other day William got ahold of one of Hudson's jackets- a vest, as seen above. So, William insisted on stripping down and putting on just the vest, backwards. Then, he wanted to help me bake his cousin's birthday cookie cake. For some reason it was so funny to me, and I couldn't stop laughing.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I didn't eat that cake! Ya know... aprons aren't that expensive! He's so funny!

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

Oh my word that picture is hilarious.

Dolly said...

bah ha ha ha! My kids love to be naked too. It cracks me up!!