Tuesday, October 26, 2010


This trip was MUCH better weather for camping than last time. In fact, it may have been a little too cool. Not that it mattered to me or Hudson-- only Dave and William camped out!

It really was perfect weather: warm during the day for playing outside and exploring, and then cool at night for bonfire, hayride and camping. Our friends, the Hambys, also have a 4 yr old (Blaine), so the 4 "guys" camped together.

My dad built us a HUGE bonfire. While that burned down a bit, he pulled us on the best ever hayride. It was perfect weather: cool, but not cold. The kids thought it was THE BEST!

My good friend, Jen, her daughter Sophie, me and William
 Dave and Philip couldn't peel themselves away from the Ohio State game...
 the kids, watching my dad build the fire:
 all of us (minus my dad):
 Sophie, my good friend Sherrie, and her daughter Lily:
 Jen and her 2 daughters, Emily and Sophie (her hubby couldn't come because he was deployed in Korea...but he's home now!)
 so, ya, getting these 2 boys to look (and smile) at the camera is pretty near impossible:
 Of course, Hudson would only let Papa help him with his s'mores:
 Me and my little man:

So, it was an amazing trip to Oklahoma, as usual. The kids L.O.V.E. it up there (and well, so do I). When they were whining about leaving, I reassured them that we'd return at Christmas. They were particularly excited because I told them that Keira, Emery and Aunt Paige would be with us then. 

But, as soon as we pulled on to our street on that Sunday night, Hudson started crying "I want to go back to Okahoma!!!"

1 comment:

Janelle said...

LOVE your hair in these pics! :)
fun, fun memories--such a good mom.