Friday, April 10, 2009

My baby has what?

Several weeks ago when Dave went to get Hudson up from his nap, he encountered: a ton of throw up all over Hudson's bed, he had a serious case of diarhea, and he had a rash all over his body. That was Tuesday. Thankfully, there was no more throw up, but the diarhea continued. I called the dr. on Wed. The nurse said that it sounded like strep throat, but since he was acting TOTALLY fine, I could hold off a day or 2 to see if things improved. By Friday the diarhea and rash were still pretty prominent, so I decided to take him in. They did a strep test, which came back negative. So of course, they said he probably just suffered from a small stomach bug. Well, they sent his swab off to the labs to "grow" over the weekend. They called Monday and the lab came back positive for strep. Great. Amoxicillan here were come. After a week of antibiotics the rash was about as bad as it could get. The strep was gone...but the itching was seeminly unbearable. Hudson wasn't sleeping well, and ever time I changed his diaper or his clothes, he immediately started scratching. He was covered in a terrible rash from HEAD TO TOE! He even had scratched so hard in places that he caused bleeding. I finally took him in to get it checked out. You'll never guess what he had...caused by the strep throat. SCARLET FEVER!!!!!!!! Who knew that was even still around! The dr. thought that he also had a serious case of eczema on top of the Scarlet Fever, which is why it was so terrible. He immediately started him on some oral steroids, which started making a difference within hours. Tomorrow is our last day on the 'roids, for which I am very thankful. His skin is finally back to the land of the living. He is back to sleeping and being a happy little guy.


Melissa Batusic said...

Oh my gosh! How terrible! Poor little guy! I am glad that things have cleared up for you trip! Love ya!

The Andersons said...

That is crazy!! I'm so glad he is feeling better. That sounds miserable!