Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

It was a great Mother's Day weekend! Even though this was the 8th year to be celebrated as a mom, it never gets old. William and Hudson were very excited about Mother's Day, even telling Dave that I get all the hugs for that day.
It was an extremely momentous weekend in the Dennison house. Dave does a LOT of things around this house...too many to name. Plus, he works HARD at his job. But one thing he does NOT do is cook. In fact, that has been one of the point of contention in our nearly 10 years of marriage. I have always wanted him to cook me a "real" dinner. Sure, he can grill a mean steak, but to use a recipe and COOK...never. But, he proved that it can be done! He cooked dinner on Saturday evening AND managed the kids-- with Pioneer Woman recipes and all. It was DELICIOUS, and he even said he enjoyed doing it.
JalapeƱo Shrimp, Apricot, and Onion Skewers and Green Bean casserole:

He didn't exactly clean as he went:

Me and my 3 little men:

I feel so very blessed to be these guys' mommy. Every single day is a blessing, even if I'm feeling it during an "ugly" moment.


Tasha said...

Way to go Dave. Brant loves to cook and I am SO very thankful for that.
OH! MY! GOODNESS!! Crew looks so big. They all do. And you my friend you fabulous!!
Glad you had a nice Mother's Day weekend.

Melissa Batusic said...

Happy mothers day! Can't wait to see you!