Tuesday, May 11, 2010


On May 1, our neighborhood spray park opened. This past Friday we ventured out with the kids. It's only a few blocks from our house, so we are able to walk. It's right next to our park, so nearly every park visit for the past 3 months, William has been asking how much longer until we can go to the spray park. 

As you can see, they were SUPER excited.

One of the greatest things about the spray park: I can go fully dressed and never get wet! Well, there's the occasional getting squirt with the water gun, but for the most part I can leave unscathed! 


revel designs said...

you should do comparison photos from last year. look at how William's legs have grown!

Katie Henry said...


your dog story cracked me up!!!

have a ton of fun this week...so JEALOUS!!!