Tuesday, January 19, 2010


About 1 year ago, Hudson got RSV. We had the whole breathing treatment, isolation from other kids, nose suctioning, etc. Well, this past Wednesday (and incidentally, Dave's birthday), Hudson just wasn't acting himself. He was fussy and irritable. Before I put him down for his nap, I checked his temp: 103.7! I called the dr, and they thought it sounded like an ear infection since the fever spiked in such a short amount of time (and at the time, he had no problems breathing or congestion). We decided he'd be fine to wait until Thursday a.m. to go in (I was NOT excited about waking both boys up from their naps!).

We get to the dr on Thursday morning, and his oxygen was at 89%, and it was obvious that he was having a hard time breathing. FYI, they don't like their oxygen to get below 94, so this was SUPER LOW! L.O.N.G. story short-- after 3 breathing treatments in the dr office, a steriod, and some other medicines, his oxgyen got up to 93. We managed to not have to go to the hospital, thankfully! He tested positive for RSV, and we were to give him breathing treatments every 2 hours and once during the middle of the night. Thankfully, we already had the nebulizer from last year. I took him in on Friday morning, and his oxygen was back up to 97%! YEAH. We're still doing breathing treatments several times a day, but he is back to his old self!


Laura SanchezQuan said...

poor sweet baby boy! I'm glad he is doing better!

Anonymous said...

You should teach him to say, "Luuuuuke, I am your father."

Katie Henry said...

Poor buddy!! Hope all is well!