Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We got back from Thanksgiving in Oklahoma to find that winter had arrived! It has been SO cold. In fact, Wednesday morning, we woke up to a nice little layer of snow on the ground. I had to quick take the kids out to play in because we knew that it would be melted by lunchtime (and it was). Hudson wasn't a big fan mainly, I think, due to the freezing temperatures outside. William, on the other hand, had a grand time.

Hudson preferred to watch William from the comfort of his warm home. William was outside throwing snowballs at the house!

That night we made our annual trip to Home Depot to get our REAL Christmas tree. Dave is a real stickler about getting a real tree. I tried to convince him that maybe we could get an artificial one for the years that we won't be home (we'll be celebrating in Lookout Mountain this year), but he said that we might as well not even celebrate Christmas!

Decorating the tree. The boys had SO MUCH fun finding the perfect spot for each ornament.

One of the perks of having a near 7ft tall husband: no need for a ladder when it's time to put the star on top!

My great friend Cindy and I at our church's annual progressive dinner (last night). It was a blast, as usual: one of the highlights of my year.

So far, it's a great start to the Christmas season. Next weekend I have a Christmas brunch at church and Dave is running the Dallas White Rock Marathon.  Stay tuned...


Dolly said...

Shhhh don't tell Dave, but we got an artificial tree last year. We won't use it forever, but its GREAT to have during this time in life. We won't be doing x-mas on Lookout Mtn. Just Jeff's b-day. We'll actually be having the Bond's down to celebrate though, so it will be fun times.

Laura SanchezQuan said...

Artificial, pre-lit all the way baby! hehehe

My favorite picture might be the one where you and the boys are putting ornaments on the tree...I love the look on your face! :)