Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hudson Family

When we were in Oklahoma we had our family picture taken. It's not often that ALL 12 of us are together, so we had to take advantage of being all together, and being at the house where we grew up.

The "blue truck" as we call it, has been around since I was 4 years old. It's a Chevy 1984...and it's still going (barely). All 3 of us kids learned to drive (stick shift) on it... when I was about 5 or 6 years old I remember he would be in the back of it throwing hay out for the cows and I would be the driver. He'd put it in 1st gear, and I would take the wheel. We were excited to have it in our family picture. The pond behind the truck also has lots of memories-- one of which was dad pulling us on a sled behind the truck when it was frozen over.


Molly said...

Good name for the truck. :)

Melissa Batusic said...

I love that picture! Is it going to be your parent's Christmas card?

Katie Henry said...

megan, both this fam pic and the one on your blog are great!!

Laura SanchezQuan said...

tooo stinkin cute, Meagan!