Saturday, January 17, 2015

Tooth Fairy

Hudson has been eagerly awaiting the loss of his first tooth.  He was SO excited when it finally happened! He has now lost 2 teeth, with no loose teeth in sight.  I'm ok with that though.  When they lose those top teeth, they really start looking older. :-(


Unknown said...

I bet Hudson was so excited to find out about his loose tooth. To think that he has now lost two teeth, he's really growing up pretty quick. Make sure to hold onto him tight, Meagan. Hahaha! Kidding aside, I'm sure two new permanent teeth will be settling into place soon. Just make sure that he brushes and flosses regularly. All the best!

Alexis Jensen @ Kelleher Ortho

Anonymous said...

Some kids do appear to be older when they lose their first upper teeth, since most of the replacements are a lot bigger than the first ones. Anyway, it seems like losing a tooth isn’t a big deal for Hudson. He seems quite confident about it. Thanks for sharing, Meagan!

Anita Campbell @ Throgs Neck Dental