Tuesday, April 17, 2012


William doesn't take naps anymore. Until he went to Kindergarden, he was napping just about every day. I finally decided that a kindergardener does't need a nap. Although, there are days I make him rest, and he usually falls asleep.
Hudson naps about 3 days a week. He'd nap every day if I put him down. But, we are usually busy on the weekends, and since William doesn't nap, I always feel badly if Hudson has to miss the fun. So, on days that William is at school and Hudson is at home with me, I have him nap. Yesterday he slept until nearly 8:30, so I decided not to make him take a nap. I put Crew down for a nap around 1:30, Hudson and I played for awhile, then I told him I was going to go downstairs to clean up/start laundry, etc. After about 20 minutes, I noticed things got unusually quiet. I figured he was in the play room playing Star Wars or Transformers, but I went upstairs and arrived at something totally different:

He slept like that on the couch in the tv room for a good solid 1-1.5 hours, until he rolled over and fell onto the floor! He told me, "I really needed that nap, mommy. I feel good now!" 

(PS. Melissa, do you recognize the blanket?)


Tasha said...

So sweet!! If they need it they will find a way to sleep. I always loved finding the boys sleeping when they didn't have to. ANd the odd places they would literally fall down to sleep.

Melissa Batusic said...

Hudson actually planned this nap...all covered up...has his stuffed animal. So sweet, at least some bodies kids sleep!!!!