Monday, March 5, 2012

Growing up...

Well, we've had another HUGE milestone at the Dennison household. William "lost" his first tooth. He was super excited, and he let me do the honors of pulling his very first tooth. He has been working this particular tooth over for the past few weeks, and every day or so he asks me if I'll pull it. It just wasn't ready, until Friday. He asked, and I told him that I'd try, but it might not come out or it might hurt.
He was so brave, as you can see in the below video.
this is before. you can see the tooth is kind of hanging down a little bit.

"and now I have a nickel and a hole in my head. SEE?" (although, the tooth fairy has
significantly increased the price of teeth since I was a kid.)
PS. In case you're wondering about the construction behind William, we extended our patio this weekend.


Natasha Tracy said...

BTW - not to be high maintenance, butr can you make your blog more apple friendly? We couldn't watch the video on the iphone or the ipad.

Melissa Batusic said...

Your dad is the best part about that video :)
Miss that guy :)