Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Big Boy!

Hudson has been happy to stay in his crib. He has yet to crawl out, or even attempt to crawl out. It's weird because William crawled out for the first time at about 19 months! In some ways, I would be happy to keep him contained in a crib for as long as he'd cooperate. But, I'm also ready to have the crib AWAY. We've been using a crib NONstop for 4 years, and I'd like for it to be out of sight for awhile before another baby comes (no, I'm not pregnant...just thinking for the future). 

So, we introduced a big bed to Hudson. I was prepared that it wasn't going to go well. We've tried a bed 1 or 2 other times, and he wouldn't stay there. But, surprisingly, it has been successful. This week has been a big tougher because he's getting up a bit early in the mornings and at naptime. I think the minute his eye cracks open, when he would've gone back to sleep while in a crib, he darts out of bed. I'm hoping once the "new" wears off, he'll go back to being my super-sleeper.

Despite the way this picture looks, he's actually really happy here-- and super pumped about being in a "Bo Bo Bed" (big boy bed).

1 comment:

Tasha said...

BIG boy....he is a doll! BTW the boys have those same sheets.