Saturday, November 5, 2011


The newness of having a baby around has definitely not worn off for William and Hudson. While it is sweet 99% of the time, it does wear me out occasionally. They constantly want to hug, kiss, and hold him. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it's just not feasible (like, when I'm feeding him or when he's sleeping or when we're driving in the car or when he's get the point).

But, when they do get the chance to love on him, it's super duper sweet.

Each time they hold him or cuddle him, I can't help but think of the line from Tommy Boy: "Brothers don't shake hands. Brothers gotta HUG." That's William and Hudson's mantra-- the more hugs and kisses, the better!


Melissa Batusic said...

So sweet! I love it!

Christine said...

Very nice! And I missed commenting on them individually, but I love the comparison photo series. Since I missed William as a baby, it's nice to catch up on a few of those.